India Websites
Links updated 7.22.20
India Activities
Asian Geography & Countries: Games (
Big Cats Quiz (Nat Geo Kids)
Caste Quiz ( on your vocab and the UN will donate rice to people in need: Game
India Quiz (Britannica)
India Information
Hindu Gods (British Museum)
Hindu Gods Top 10 (
India Quick Overview (National Geographic Kids)
India's Street Kids (NPR)
Mahabarata Story (
Mandalas (
Map: Maurya and Gupta Empires (http://glencoe.mcgraw-hill)
Modern Day India Information (DK password: onlineworld)
Myth: Hindu Creation Myth (British Museum)
Myth: Indra & the Cloud Cattle (British Museum)
Story of the Buddha (British Museum)
Timeline (PBS)
Writing (British Museum)
India Pictures
India Animals (Getty Images)
India Photo Gallery (National Geographic)
Mt. Everest (National Geographic)
PBS Photo Gallery
India Videos
Ashoka's Edicts (YouTube)
Child Labor: India's Silent Machine (YouTube)
Child Labor by World Vision (YouTube)
Delhi's Slums (National Geographic)
Diwali Festival of Lights (National Geographic)
Hinduism Explained (YouTube)
Incredible India (YouTube)
India in 2 Minutes (National Geographic)
Indian Ocean (National Geographic)
*India's Sights & Sounds (YouTube)
Indus River Valley (EdYouToo)
Indus Valley Civilization~Mohejo Daro (YouTube)
Mt. Everest: Surviving Deadly Everest (National Geographic)
Music and Dance (YouTube)
Rat Temple (National Geographic)
Taj Mahal (History Channel)
Tiger Cubs (National Geographic)
Transportation~Discovery Atlas (YouTube)
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