Karnak Temple Pictures
Karnak Temple is the largest religious site from ancient times. It is located where Thebes, the capital city of Upper Egypt, was located. This temple was built to honor Ra/Re/Amun Ra who was the main god of the ancient Egyptian religion as well as the patron god of Thebes.
Almost every pharaoh from Thutmose I on down added on to this temple, including Hatshepsut and Ramses the Great. Unfortunately, many of the wall carvings and statues of Hatshepsut were chiseled out by her successors.
Things to look for in the pictures:
--archaeological dig site
--the wall carving of Hatshepsut that has been chiseled out
--wall carving of ancient Egyptian numbers
--my friend Mike getting his head chopped off on the sacrificial stone by our tour guide, Mohammed
--the hypostyle hall (the largest in the world) with 134 columns inscribed by various pharaohs
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