Welcome to my virtual classroom!

Hi Huskies!
8th Graders I am so excited to be your tour guide on our adventure through U.S. history this year! This website will be an invaluable tool for you so be sure to save it to your favorites. I recommend spending at least 30 minutes a week exploring the links to games, information, pictures, videos and interactive websites related to the social studies standards we will cover in order to deepen your knowledge and understanding of our country's history.
Sixth Graders Click on the "More" button on the menu at the top of the page and you can find the links to all of the super fun units you'll cover in Social Studies this year. Feel free to let me know if you find a great new site I should add :).
Global Issues Elective Click on the "More" button on the menu at the top of the page to find the webpage for our class.
Mrs. Valerie Redd
Social Studies Teacher
Thinking Maps Trainer
Hillview Middle School
10931 Stamy Rd, Whittier, CA 90604
[email protected]
News Flash!
June 5-9, 2017
MONDAY-WEDNESDAY We'll continue learning about World War I by watching an AWESOME History Channel documentary called The World Wars: Trial by Fire. This is the first episode in a three-part series. We watched episodes 2 and 3 in homeroom, which are about World War 2, in preparation for our field trip to the Museum of Tolerance.
WEDNESDAY It's going to be a big day! You'll have practice for Promotion in the morning. After lunch, you'll get to watch the Yearbook video and spend the rest of the day signing yearbooks. Yay!
THURSDAY We'll have Promotion practice in the morning and then load the busses for Knott's Berry Farm!
FRIDAY You'll need to be at school at 8am for our last Promotion practice. Then it's on to the real deal and then summer vacation! It's been a wonderful year! Come back and visit!!!!
May 29-June 2, 2017
MONDAY Enjoy celebrating Memorial Day and remember those who have given their lives for our country and freedoms. This day of remembrance began in the late 1860s to honor those who died in the Civil War. Below is a short History Channel video that explains the background to this special holiday.
MONDAY-WEDNESDAY We'll continue learning about World War I by watching an AWESOME History Channel documentary called The World Wars: Trial by Fire. This is the first episode in a three-part series. We watched episodes 2 and 3 in homeroom, which are about World War 2, in preparation for our field trip to the Museum of Tolerance.
WEDNESDAY It's going to be a big day! You'll have practice for Promotion in the morning. After lunch, you'll get to watch the Yearbook video and spend the rest of the day signing yearbooks. Yay!
THURSDAY We'll have Promotion practice in the morning and then load the busses for Knott's Berry Farm!
FRIDAY You'll need to be at school at 8am for our last Promotion practice. Then it's on to the real deal and then summer vacation! It's been a wonderful year! Come back and visit!!!!
May 29-June 2, 2017
MONDAY Enjoy celebrating Memorial Day and remember those who have given their lives for our country and freedoms. This day of remembrance began in the late 1860s to honor those who died in the Civil War. Below is a short History Channel video that explains the background to this special holiday.
TUESDAY We'll continue watching an edited version of Far & Away and see how life was for many Irish immigrants in the late 1800s. Our new principal, Mr. Herrera, will be on campus so be sure to say hello! Bring your textbook or pay for it by Friday so that you don't miss out on the end of the year activities!
WEDNESDAY Today you will receive your final progress report as well as all of your work from 2nd semester. Double check everything and let me know by the end of the day on Thursday if we need to make any adjustments. Once we're done with all that, we'll continue with Far and Away.
THURSDAY We'll finish Far and Away and begin learning about World War I. This is such an interesting war, yet most people don't know much about it. I hope it perks your interest and that you do your own research on it at some point.
FRIDAY We'll continue learning about World War I by going through a PowerPoint presentation and watching some interesting History Channel videos.
MAY 22-26, 2017
MONDAY You will read your Reflection Paper to your team and turn it in. Then you'll take notes as we watch America Story of Us: Cities.
TUESDAY Bring in your textbook for 10 points of extra credit! We'll start exploring the topic of immigration by making maps of our own ancestors' migration. You'll also write a paragraph about your family history.
WEDNESDAY Today we will evaluate political cartoons from the late 1800s and early 1900s related to the immigration issues of that time.
THURSDAY Today is the last day to turn in missing work and it is the last day to raise Fs to a 60% in order to participate in Promotion. We'll watch America Story of Us: Boom and you'll take notes on the various topics that are presented.
FRIDAY We'll finish America Story of Us: Boom and you'll turn in your movie notes.
WEDNESDAY Today you will receive your final progress report as well as all of your work from 2nd semester. Double check everything and let me know by the end of the day on Thursday if we need to make any adjustments. Once we're done with all that, we'll continue with Far and Away.
THURSDAY We'll finish Far and Away and begin learning about World War I. This is such an interesting war, yet most people don't know much about it. I hope it perks your interest and that you do your own research on it at some point.
FRIDAY We'll continue learning about World War I by going through a PowerPoint presentation and watching some interesting History Channel videos.
MAY 22-26, 2017
MONDAY You will read your Reflection Paper to your team and turn it in. Then you'll take notes as we watch America Story of Us: Cities.
TUESDAY Bring in your textbook for 10 points of extra credit! We'll start exploring the topic of immigration by making maps of our own ancestors' migration. You'll also write a paragraph about your family history.
WEDNESDAY Today we will evaluate political cartoons from the late 1800s and early 1900s related to the immigration issues of that time.
THURSDAY Today is the last day to turn in missing work and it is the last day to raise Fs to a 60% in order to participate in Promotion. We'll watch America Story of Us: Boom and you'll take notes on the various topics that are presented.
FRIDAY We'll finish America Story of Us: Boom and you'll turn in your movie notes.
America: The Story of Us CITIES
America: The Story of Us BOOM
May 15-19, 2017
MONDAY We'll make corrections on our Civil War Benchmarks, turn in our Civil War Notebooks & watch Aftershock: Beyond the Civil War.
TUESDAY Today we'll finish Aftershock and you'll turn in your notes. Finish up your missing assignments because next Thursday is the last day to turn in missing work!
WEDNESDAY Today you'll get your Reflection Paper assignment. This is worth 50 points and is due on Monday. Write me a page and a half letter about how your year has gone and what your hopes and goals are for next year.
THURSDAY We'll look at current events related to racism and then dive into the Industrial Revolution by going through our PowerPoint together.
FRIDAY Sleep in and finish your missing work :).
MONDAY We'll make corrections on our Civil War Benchmarks, turn in our Civil War Notebooks & watch Aftershock: Beyond the Civil War.
TUESDAY Today we'll finish Aftershock and you'll turn in your notes. Finish up your missing assignments because next Thursday is the last day to turn in missing work!
WEDNESDAY Today you'll get your Reflection Paper assignment. This is worth 50 points and is due on Monday. Write me a page and a half letter about how your year has gone and what your hopes and goals are for next year.
THURSDAY We'll look at current events related to racism and then dive into the Industrial Revolution by going through our PowerPoint together.
FRIDAY Sleep in and finish your missing work :).
May 8-12, 2017
MONDAY Periods 1, 3, 5 will finish Glory, turn in their Glory Narratives and begin reviewing for THURSDAY'S Civil War Benchmark. Study everything on your Civil War Benchmark Review.
TUESDAY Everyone will play the Review Game to get ready for our LAST benchmark.
WEDNESDAY Period 2 will finish Glory, turn in their Glory Narratives and begin reviewing for FRIDAY'S Civil War Benchmark.
THURSDAY/FRIDAY BENCHMARK TIME! Study everything on your Civil War Benchmark Review and get your notebook ready to turn in. Once you're don with your test, you will work on Ch 23 Vocab and then we'll dive into Reconstruction by watching "Aftershock."
May 1-5, 2017
MONDAY Periods 1, 3, 5 We'll read some primary sources in order to ascertain whether or not Lincoln was a racist. You will write a short, 7-sentence argument presenting the evidence for the stronger side & defeating the opposition.
TUESDAY I'll be at the LA County Office of Education to learn about the new social studies framework. Please treat Mrs. Alonso to a wonderful day as you work on your Ch 22 Vocab.
WEDNESDAY Period 2 We'll read some primary sources in order to ascertain whether or not Lincoln was a racist. You will write a short, 7-sentence argument presenting the evidence for the stronger side & defeating the opposition.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY We'll watch Glory. You will take notes in order to help you write a narrative as a member of the Massachusetts 54th Regiment. Remember to have lots of details and description!!!!
April 24-28, 2017
MONDAY The Civil War created a huge leap in military technology. We'll watch Civil War Tech and you'll take notes on the different types of weapons and technology that were developed.
MONDAY Periods 1, 3, 5 will finish Glory, turn in their Glory Narratives and begin reviewing for THURSDAY'S Civil War Benchmark. Study everything on your Civil War Benchmark Review.
TUESDAY Everyone will play the Review Game to get ready for our LAST benchmark.
WEDNESDAY Period 2 will finish Glory, turn in their Glory Narratives and begin reviewing for FRIDAY'S Civil War Benchmark.
THURSDAY/FRIDAY BENCHMARK TIME! Study everything on your Civil War Benchmark Review and get your notebook ready to turn in. Once you're don with your test, you will work on Ch 23 Vocab and then we'll dive into Reconstruction by watching "Aftershock."
May 1-5, 2017
MONDAY Periods 1, 3, 5 We'll read some primary sources in order to ascertain whether or not Lincoln was a racist. You will write a short, 7-sentence argument presenting the evidence for the stronger side & defeating the opposition.
TUESDAY I'll be at the LA County Office of Education to learn about the new social studies framework. Please treat Mrs. Alonso to a wonderful day as you work on your Ch 22 Vocab.
WEDNESDAY Period 2 We'll read some primary sources in order to ascertain whether or not Lincoln was a racist. You will write a short, 7-sentence argument presenting the evidence for the stronger side & defeating the opposition.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY We'll watch Glory. You will take notes in order to help you write a narrative as a member of the Massachusetts 54th Regiment. Remember to have lots of details and description!!!!
April 24-28, 2017
MONDAY The Civil War created a huge leap in military technology. We'll watch Civil War Tech and you'll take notes on the different types of weapons and technology that were developed.
TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY We'll finish up Civil War Tech on Tuesday and start in on our Civil War Basics PowerPoint. You will use these notes to study for your Civil War Benchmark.
THURSDAY We'll finish up our Civil War Basics PowerPoint and start in on our Essential Questions for Ch 22. Be sure to turn the question into your topic sentence, use transition words and include the key info from the textbook.
FRIDAY Today we'll watch America Story of Us Civil War and take notes on the important aspects of the war.
THURSDAY We'll finish up our Civil War Basics PowerPoint and start in on our Essential Questions for Ch 22. Be sure to turn the question into your topic sentence, use transition words and include the key info from the textbook.
FRIDAY Today we'll watch America Story of Us Civil War and take notes on the important aspects of the war.
April 17-21, 2017
MONDAY Sleep in and finish up missing work!
TUESDAY We'll work on Ch 21 Vocab Dividing Nation. Start studying for Friday's Ch18-21 Vocab TEST.
WEDNESDAY Today we'll be on the chrome books learning about the Causes of the Civil War.
THURSDAY We'll watch America Story of Us: Division and learn about the major events that led up to the Civil War.
MONDAY Sleep in and finish up missing work!
TUESDAY We'll work on Ch 21 Vocab Dividing Nation. Start studying for Friday's Ch18-21 Vocab TEST.
WEDNESDAY Today we'll be on the chrome books learning about the Causes of the Civil War.
THURSDAY We'll watch America Story of Us: Division and learn about the major events that led up to the Civil War.
FRIDAY You'll take the Ch 18-21 Vocab Test and then complete your Map of Secession.
APRIL 10-14, 2017
SLAVERY The content we will cover this week is the most difficult for me to teach, but possibly the most important. In order to understand why our country divided and went to war, we must fully explore the issue of slavery. In my opinion, the best way to do that is through primary sources. It will be difficult to see and read about the violence and dehumanization done to the slaves, and if at any time you feel uncomfortable, you are welcome to slip out and go to Mrs. Pearson's room.
MONDAY We'll finish watching HBO's Slave Narratives and read several of the laws passed in southern states that required violence to slaves. Then we'll read some first-hand accounts of the brutality of slavery from Theodore Weld's book, American Slavery as It Is. Tonight you will write a short argument using evidence from your primary sources.
TUESDAY We'll begin watching an edited version of the movie 12 Years A Slave. You will take notes for the essay that you'll write tomorrow night. Tonight you'll write the bottom paragraph on the Slavery Response Paragraphs where you'll reflect on what you have learned about American slavery.
WEDNESDAY We'll continue watching 12 Years A Slave. For homework, you will write an paragraph describing how the movie portrayed the treatment of slaves in the South
THURSDAY We'll finish the movie and have a class discussion about what we have learned about slavery from our primary sources.
FRIDAY Enjoy your day off!
APRIL 3-7, 2017
MONDAY Ch 19 Vocab Worlds of North & South and 4th Quarter starts!
TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY North and South Notes: We'll learn about the VAST differences in the economies, populations, as well as how people lived in the North and South prior to the Civil War. These are all things that contributed to the war and helped determine the outcome. When we're done with our notes, we'll take what we've learned and make a Double Bubble map to compare and contrast the North and South. For homework you'll answer the questions and use evidence from your notes and Double Bubble map to write a short argument on which side had the greatest advantages prior to the Civil War.
THURSDAY We'll begin our journey of understanding American slavery by completing Ch 20 Textbook Notes.
FRIDAY Today will be a difficult day. We will explore primary sources that describe slavery in the U.S. in the 1800s. As difficult as it is to read and hear these accounts, it is essential for our understanding of the Civil War, Reconstruction, the Civil Rights movement and our nation's continuing racial issues. We will begin our journey by watching the trailer for 12 Years a Slave, reading excerpts from Solomon Northrup's autobiography and watching portions of HBO's Slave Narratives. The HBO Slave Narratives, "Unchained Memories," is a powerful documentary. In the 1930s, President Roosevelt sent people out to interview the last living slaves. Their stories were recorded on records and then transcribed. HBO chose some of those accounts and asked black actors to read them in character so that we could hear the voices of the former slaves recount their experiences. It is difficult to watch, but so powerful to hear their stories.
FRIDAY Today will be a difficult day. We will explore primary sources that describe slavery in the U.S. in the 1800s. As difficult as it is to read and hear these accounts, it is essential for our understanding of the Civil War, Reconstruction, the Civil Rights movement and our nation's continuing racial issues. We will begin our journey by watching the trailer for 12 Years a Slave, reading excerpts from Solomon Northrup's autobiography and watching portions of HBO's Slave Narratives. The HBO Slave Narratives, "Unchained Memories," is a powerful documentary. In the 1930s, President Roosevelt sent people out to interview the last living slaves. Their stories were recorded on records and then transcribed. HBO chose some of those accounts and asked black actors to read them in character so that we could hear the voices of the former slaves recount their experiences. It is difficult to watch, but so powerful to hear their stories.
MARCH 27-31, 2017 Spring Break! Woo hoo! Have fun in DC or wherever you might be ;).
MARCH 20-24, 2017
MONDAY Today's the day!!! It's our Museum of Tolerance Field Trip. Be in your homeroom by 7:30am with a lunch and a water bottle.
TUESDAY You'll reflect on your time at the Museum of Tolerance and write about what you learned and experienced.
WEDNESDAY Ch 18 Vocab...let's talk reformers! These are people who made a MAJOR difference in the world in the 1800s.
THURSDAY We'll watch the Disney Presidents for presidents 12-16. These are the presidents leading up to the Civil War as well as Abraham Lincoln. Then we'll start on our Ch 18 PowerPoint and learn about some of the amazing people who stood up and made the world a better place in the 1800s.
FRIDAY Today we'll finish our Ch 18 PowerPoint and hopefully we'll be inspired by the heroes of the 1800s to fight against injustice and make the world a better place.
Once you walk out the door Friday it's time for Spring Break! D.C. peeps, have a blast and send me pictures! Remember, Wednesday, April 5 is the last day to turn in late work for 3rd quarter. |
MARCH 13-17, 2017
MONDAY We'll read information and answer questions about the challenges faced by the pioneers who headed west in wagon trains. You'll use those notes to write an extra credit narrative poem as someone who traveled west. Include LOTS of details from your notes and TONS of descriptive words and phrases. Below is an example of a poem that a student wrote a few years ago. It happens to rhyme, but rhyming is optional. The West by Erik H. As a mother calls to her child, So the West has called to me. The poorer challenge the mountains, The richer travel the sea. I packed my bags and headed west, To follow yonder trail. Sickness and death shall assault me And plague me ‘till I fail. Rattlers and Indians bar the way, They’ll try to stop me too. I love this country sea to sea, The red, the white, and the blue. |
TUESDAY Come prepared for the Review Game!
WEDNESDAY You'll take the Westward Movement Test and turn in your notebook. Be sure to have all of the assignments completed and in order with the correct page numbers.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY We'll learn all about the contributions of Los Mexicanos to American culture. This is one of my favorite lessons!
MARCH 6-10, 2017
MONDAY Today we'll tackle our Textbook Notes 15.6 War with Mexico to get ready to write tomorrow's short narrative about the Mexican American War.
WEDNESDAY You'll take the Westward Movement Test and turn in your notebook. Be sure to have all of the assignments completed and in order with the correct page numbers.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY We'll learn all about the contributions of Los Mexicanos to American culture. This is one of my favorite lessons!
MARCH 6-10, 2017
MONDAY Today we'll tackle our Textbook Notes 15.6 War with Mexico to get ready to write tomorrow's short narrative about the Mexican American War.
TUESDAY We'll use our Textbook Notes 15.6 War with Mexico to write a short narrative about the Mexican American War from the perspective of General Santa Anna, James K. Polk, an American soldier or a Mexican soldier.
WEDNESDAY We'll begin reviewing for next Wednesday's benchmark by working on Flow Maps for the Texas Revolution and Mexican American War. |
THURSDAY It's time for the Gold Rush! We'll watch part of a PBS documentary and then write a short narrative as someone who came out west in search of gold!
Gold Rush Narrative Hook Samples
EARLY ARRIVALS: Most found gold
Gold Rush Narrative Hook Samples
EARLY ARRIVALS: Most found gold
- Eureka! I struck the mother-lode this morning!
- “Gold! Gold!” I heard someone yelling downstream.
- I can remember July 1, 1849 as if it were yesterday.
- “Gold Strike!” It was a freezing cold day in Massachusetts when I read in the Boston Gazette that gold had been discovered in California.
- Why did I leave my comfortable life and wonderful farm in Kentucky for this miserable place?
- Though the journey to California was exhausting and treacherous, nothing could have prepared me for the trials I faced once I arrived in Gold Country.
FRIDAY We'll learn about the Mormons' history as well as their journey to Salt Lake City. Then we'll play a couple of games online just for fun :).
FEBRUARY 27 - MARCH 3, 2017
*GRADES We only have 3 weeks left until I complete your grades for 3rd Quarter. Because 4th Quarter is so busy, the last day I will accept missing assignments for 3rd Quarter is Wednesday, April 5. That way you'll have Spring Break to finish up your assignments. The end is near! Stay strong! You can do it!
MONDAY We'll discuss the key elements we saw in the Lewis & Clark movie & events that can be described in detail in order to prepare for our narrative. I'll pass out some additional Lewis & Clark Notes for you to use in your narrative. You'll have most of the period to write your 1-page narrative from the perspective of Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, Sacajawea or York (Clark's slave). Be sure to include LOTS of factual information from the movie and the Lewis & Clark Notes as well as TONS of description. Then we'll dive into the Texas Revolution in order to get ready for tomorrow! (Watch "Story Time with Mr Beat" below if you're not in class today.)
TUESDAY We'll start our Textbook Notes for 15.4 Texas. Be sure to write down key information that will help you write a believable narrative. EXTRA CREDIT: Watch President Trump's Speech to Congress & bring in a note signed by your parents.
WEDNESDAY We'll learn about the geography of Texas by watching the Texas Tourism video below. We'll compare and contrast east and west Texas with a Double Bubble Map. In teams, you'll make a Bubble Map in teams to start brainstorming adjectives to describe Texas that you can use in your narrative. Using your textbook notes, you'll write the Texas Revolution Narrative #1 as one of the Old 300.
THURSDAY You'll write Texas Revolution Narratives #2 & #3 using your Textbook Notes. Be sure to include lots of detail and description!
FRIDAY We'll work on Ch 16 Vocab and hopefully finish it in class :). If you don't finish it in class, it will be homework over the weekend.
FEBRUARY 20-24, 2017
WESTWARD MOVEMENT UNIT That's right, cowboys, we're starting our unit on the Wild Wild West! Hold onto your hats as we cross the continent in covered wagons, dig for gold, and go to war with Mexico.
UNIT WRITING FOCUS Our writing focus for this unit is on narrative writing: CCWHST 2 Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/ experiments, or technical processes. We will use what we learn about the Texas Revolution, Mexican-American War, pioneers, Gold Rush, mountain men, Lewis and Clark, etc. to write historical narratives. Our goal is to become rock star narrative writers by including key historical details from what we learn to make it sound believable as well as vivid descriptions that will make our readers think we were there!
MONDAY Sleep in and celebrate the presidents!
TUESDAY We'll finish watching America Story of Us: Westward. For homework you'll write your first narrative using your movie notes. If you were absent today, start at the 23 minute mark and watch through the end. Be sure to take lots of notes on each section so that you'll have plenty of information to use in your narrative.
WEDNESDAY You'll write your second narrative using your America Story of Us: Westward movie notes.
THURSDAY You will read your narratives to your team and evaluate if there is enough historical detail and vivid description.
THURSDAY You will read your narratives to your team and evaluate if there is enough historical detail and vivid description.
FRIDAY We'll finish our Lewis & Clark documentary and go through the Ch 15 Vocabulary PowerPoint. You'll have time to work on your pictures in class.
FEBRUARY 13-17, 2017
MONDAY Sleep in and celebrate Abraham Lincoln's birthday!!
TUESDAY You'll finish highlighting your Cherokee Removal Essay and turn it in.
YELLOW Claim and Evidence in paragraphs 2, 3, 4, & 6
BLUE Evidence-Based Terms
PINK Transition words
ORANGE Counter-claim and snap
WEDNESDAY We'll watch the Disney Presidents 5-11 and take notes. These are the presidents who ran the show during our Westward Movement. You'll do the pictures for Ch 12 & Ch 14 Vocab for homework.
FEBRUARY 13-17, 2017
MONDAY Sleep in and celebrate Abraham Lincoln's birthday!!
TUESDAY You'll finish highlighting your Cherokee Removal Essay and turn it in.
YELLOW Claim and Evidence in paragraphs 2, 3, 4, & 6
BLUE Evidence-Based Terms
PINK Transition words
ORANGE Counter-claim and snap
WEDNESDAY We'll watch the Disney Presidents 5-11 and take notes. These are the presidents who ran the show during our Westward Movement. You'll do the pictures for Ch 12 & Ch 14 Vocab for homework.
THURSDAY We'll learn about how each portion of our country was added on and who we got the land from by completing our Map of the Expanding U.S.
FRIDAY Today we'll start watching America Story of Us: Westward. Be sure to take detailed notes because you will use them to write two narratives next week. If you were absent today, watch from the beginning up through the 23 minute mark. Be sure to take lots of notes on each section so that you'll have plenty of information to use in your narrative.
FRIDAY Today we'll start watching America Story of Us: Westward. Be sure to take detailed notes because you will use them to write two narratives next week. If you were absent today, watch from the beginning up through the 23 minute mark. Be sure to take lots of notes on each section so that you'll have plenty of information to use in your narrative.
MONDAY My sweet friends and former roomies, Kristin and Emily, are going to be our guest speakers! Woo hoo! They both work in the TV & film industry and are going to share with you about the important role writing has in their jobs each and every day. You'll turn in your War of 1812 Argument Essay.
TUESDAY You'll turn in your New Nation Notebook and we'll dive right into the Westward Movement. Today we'll start our third argument by reading sources related to Andrew Jackson's Indian Removal Policy. You'll complete your Evidence Chart for homework.
WEDNESDAY Today you'll decide which side has the strongest evidence and work on your Cherokee Removal Argument Template. Remember, the more time you put into having a great template, the easier your essay will be to write.
THURSDAY You'll write paragraphs 1-4 of your essay. Be sure to use your highest level vocab, transition words and follow your template!
FRIDAY Your job is to finish up paragraphs 5 & 6 in class so that you will have a 3-day weekend free of social studies homework :).
MONDAY & TUESDAY We'll watch a History Channel video about the War of 1812 and try to figure out if the U.S. Government should have declared war on Great Britain in 1812 or not. You will write down evidence on your War of 1812 Evidence Chart for both sides and then determine which side has the strongest evidence. If you are absent, there are 10 sections on the YouTube version. You can skip sections 5 & 8, but watch the rest and write down notes on your Evidence Chart.
WEDNESDAY You'll start working on your War of 1812 Argument Template in class and finish it for homework.
THURSDAY It's time to start writing your War of 1812 Argument Essay. Your goal is to get paragraphs 1-3 done in class so that you just need to write paragraph 4 for homework.
FRIDAY You'll have time to work on paragraphs 5 & 6, which you will hopefully finish in class.
THURSDAY It's time to start writing your War of 1812 Argument Essay. Your goal is to get paragraphs 1-3 done in class so that you just need to write paragraph 4 for homework.
FRIDAY You'll have time to work on paragraphs 5 & 6, which you will hopefully finish in class.
JANUARY 23-27, 2017
This week we'll dive into argument writing. Get ready!
MONDAY We'll go through some sources to determine whether the Sedition Acts of 1789, passed by John Adams and the Federalist Congress, were constitutional or not. Study your Hamilton & Jefferson Notes for your quiz tomorrow!
TUESDAY You'll take your Hamilton & Jefferson Quiz and we'll put all of our evidence from the Sedition Acts Sources on our Evidence Chart. Be sure to write your source down and then bullet-points for all the evidence from that source.
WEDNESDAY We'll figure out which side has the strongest evidence and determine the three STRONGEST pieces of evidence. Then we'll work on our Sedition Acts Argument Template together in class. This is your plan of action and will ensure that you have a solid argument essay with all the essential elements. You'll finish it up for homework.
THURSDAY We are on Assembly Schedule for our Honor Role and Principal's List Assembly, so we'll have a slightly shorter period. Our goal will be to finish paragraphs 1-3 together in class using our Template.
FRIDAY Our goal will be to finish paragraphs 4-6 in class so that you will have an entire essay start to finish to refer to as you do the next two argument essays on your own.
JANUARY 16-20, 2017
MONDAY Sleep in and celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.'s contributions to our country.
TUESDAY We'll zip through Ch 11 Vocab and then put to use what we know about argument writing to analyze articles and determine whether Donald Trump's claims about his plane being better than Air Force One has the evidence to back it up.
WEDNESDAY We'll complete our George Washington Brace Map and take some textbook notes on Alexander Hamilton, recording as many adjectives as we can come up with.
This week we'll dive into argument writing. Get ready!
MONDAY We'll go through some sources to determine whether the Sedition Acts of 1789, passed by John Adams and the Federalist Congress, were constitutional or not. Study your Hamilton & Jefferson Notes for your quiz tomorrow!
TUESDAY You'll take your Hamilton & Jefferson Quiz and we'll put all of our evidence from the Sedition Acts Sources on our Evidence Chart. Be sure to write your source down and then bullet-points for all the evidence from that source.
WEDNESDAY We'll figure out which side has the strongest evidence and determine the three STRONGEST pieces of evidence. Then we'll work on our Sedition Acts Argument Template together in class. This is your plan of action and will ensure that you have a solid argument essay with all the essential elements. You'll finish it up for homework.
THURSDAY We are on Assembly Schedule for our Honor Role and Principal's List Assembly, so we'll have a slightly shorter period. Our goal will be to finish paragraphs 1-3 together in class using our Template.
FRIDAY Our goal will be to finish paragraphs 4-6 in class so that you will have an entire essay start to finish to refer to as you do the next two argument essays on your own.
JANUARY 16-20, 2017
MONDAY Sleep in and celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.'s contributions to our country.
TUESDAY We'll zip through Ch 11 Vocab and then put to use what we know about argument writing to analyze articles and determine whether Donald Trump's claims about his plane being better than Air Force One has the evidence to back it up.
WEDNESDAY We'll complete our George Washington Brace Map and take some textbook notes on Alexander Hamilton, recording as many adjectives as we can come up with.
THURSDAY We'll learn about Thomas Jefferson by doing textbook notes and writing down as many adjectives as we can come up with. We'll use these in our double-bubble on Friday
FRIDAY We'll make our Alexander Hamilton Bubble Map and Thomas Jefferson Bubble Map using all those adjectives we wrote down in our notes. Then we'll make a Double Bubble to compare and contrast these two important Founding Fathers. Be sure to study your Double Bubble and Textbook Notes for our quiz on TUESDAY. Then we'll watch our democracy's peaceful transfer of power as Donald Trump is sworn in as the 45th President of the United States.
FRIDAY We'll make our Alexander Hamilton Bubble Map and Thomas Jefferson Bubble Map using all those adjectives we wrote down in our notes. Then we'll make a Double Bubble to compare and contrast these two important Founding Fathers. Be sure to study your Double Bubble and Textbook Notes for our quiz on TUESDAY. Then we'll watch our democracy's peaceful transfer of power as Donald Trump is sworn in as the 45th President of the United States.
JANUARY 9-13, 2017
I hope you had a wonderful and relaxing vacation :). I had fun hanging out with our puppy, Daisy. She is too cute! Here's our plan for this week...
COMMON CORE WRITING STANDARD For our unit on A New Nation we will focus on Common Core Writing Standard 3: Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. We will do several argument essays for this unit and talk through all of the ins-and-outs of choosing strong evidence and writing a rock solid argument. Be sure to refer to the Argument section in your Reading & Writing Resources packet OFTEN. It will be a great help to you.
A NEW NATION Our unit for the next few weeks is The New Nation. We'll learn all about the first six presidents, the issues they faced and how their decisions helped form the United States as we know it today. Be sure to check out A New Nation Websites, there are lots of helpful videos that will expand your understanding of what we are learning.
GRADES Be sure to turn in assignments on time this semester. You can download all of the assignments for this unit from the A New Nation Assignments page. Your participation in end of the year activities such as Knott's Berry Farm, the 8th Grade Dance, Yearbook Signing Day, and Graduation depend on your grades. If you haven't signed up for the Parent Portal, please stop by the office and get the information you need to do so. I update grades on Friday afternoons and send Remind messages letting you know that your grades are updated online. You are welcome to come and work in my room during field time each day.
MONDAY We'll welcome the New Year by reviewing the Bill of Rights Mnemonic and watching the Disney Presidents video about George Washington. You'll complete a circle map with all the important information about him and tomorrow you'll write a short argument using that information.
I hope you had a wonderful and relaxing vacation :). I had fun hanging out with our puppy, Daisy. She is too cute! Here's our plan for this week...
COMMON CORE WRITING STANDARD For our unit on A New Nation we will focus on Common Core Writing Standard 3: Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. We will do several argument essays for this unit and talk through all of the ins-and-outs of choosing strong evidence and writing a rock solid argument. Be sure to refer to the Argument section in your Reading & Writing Resources packet OFTEN. It will be a great help to you.
A NEW NATION Our unit for the next few weeks is The New Nation. We'll learn all about the first six presidents, the issues they faced and how their decisions helped form the United States as we know it today. Be sure to check out A New Nation Websites, there are lots of helpful videos that will expand your understanding of what we are learning.
GRADES Be sure to turn in assignments on time this semester. You can download all of the assignments for this unit from the A New Nation Assignments page. Your participation in end of the year activities such as Knott's Berry Farm, the 8th Grade Dance, Yearbook Signing Day, and Graduation depend on your grades. If you haven't signed up for the Parent Portal, please stop by the office and get the information you need to do so. I update grades on Friday afternoons and send Remind messages letting you know that your grades are updated online. You are welcome to come and work in my room during field time each day.
MONDAY We'll welcome the New Year by reviewing the Bill of Rights Mnemonic and watching the Disney Presidents video about George Washington. You'll complete a circle map with all the important information about him and tomorrow you'll write a short argument using that information.
TUESDAY We'll review the key elements of writing a strong argument, complete the frame of reference on our George Washington Circle Maps and write our arguments. President Obama will give his Farewell Address tonight. If you watch it, bring me a note from your parents and I'll give you extra credit. You have until Friday to bring in your note.
WEDNESDAY We'll talk about President Obama's Farewell Address and then dive into Chapter 11 to learn about the problems that faced our nation when it was in its infancy. We'll also get to read part of George Washington's Farewell Address! You will work on a circle map that includes those challenges and complete the frame of reference.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY We'll use the Chrome Books to complete the Curriculum Pathways lesson on "Early Foreign Policy." I love the lessons on this website because they are similar to what you have to do on SBAC so it's good practice. Not to mention that there's a ton of great information presented in an interactive format :). It's a win-win!
Username: hillview8thgrade
Ciao for now!
Mrs. Redd
THURSDAY & FRIDAY We'll use the Chrome Books to complete the Curriculum Pathways lesson on "Early Foreign Policy." I love the lessons on this website because they are similar to what you have to do on SBAC so it's good practice. Not to mention that there's a ton of great information presented in an interactive format :). It's a win-win!
Username: hillview8thgrade
Ciao for now!
Mrs. Redd
MONDAY Today we'll do test corrections for our Constitution Benchmark, turn in notebooks and start our Bill of Rights Mneumonic! Today is the last day to turn in missing work for 1st Semester.
TUESDAY You'll get your final progress report, we'll pass back all of your 1st Semester notebooks and keep working on our Bill of Rights Mneumonic.
WEDNESDAY Today we'll take a look at what it's like to live in a country where people do not have freedom of speech, religion, the press, assembly, etc. While the U.S. is far from perfect, we are very fortunate to have a Bill of Rights that limits the power of the governemnt and protects individuals.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! I'll see you back at school on MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2017.
MONDAY Today we'll do test corrections for our Constitution Benchmark, turn in notebooks and start our Bill of Rights Mneumonic! Today is the last day to turn in missing work for 1st Semester.
TUESDAY You'll get your final progress report, we'll pass back all of your 1st Semester notebooks and keep working on our Bill of Rights Mneumonic.
WEDNESDAY Today we'll take a look at what it's like to live in a country where people do not have freedom of speech, religion, the press, assembly, etc. While the U.S. is far from perfect, we are very fortunate to have a Bill of Rights that limits the power of the governemnt and protects individuals.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! I'll see you back at school on MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2017.
MONDAY Today we will do a law-making simulation where you will write bills to change things at Hillview and try to get them passed into laws. Super fun! Tonight you'll write your Constitution Summaries: Making Laws paragraph for homework.
TUESDAY We'll learn about the Judicial Branch by going through Article 3 of the Constitution and answering our Constitution Questions. Tonight you'll write your Constitution Summaries: Judicial Branch paragraph for homework.
WEDNESDAY We'll learn about the Constitutional Ammendments by answering our Constitution Questions. Tonight you'll write your Constitution Summaries: Ammendments paragraph for homework.
THURSDAY We'll play the Review Game to make sure you're ready for the Constitution Benchmark tomorrow.
FRIDAY You'll take the Constitution Benchmark and turn in your Constitution Notebook. Whew!
MONDAY Today we will dissect the Preamble to the Constitution to make sure we understand the purpose of the Constitution. Then you will re-writet the Preamble in your own words.
TUESDAY We'll learn about the Legislative Branch by going through Article 1 of the Constitution and answering our Constitution Questions.
WEDNESDAY I'll be at a Thinknig Maps writing training. You will complete Ch 9 Vocab with Mrs. Alonso. Treat her to a wonderful day!
THURSDAY You'll take your Preamble Quiz where you will write the Preamble from memory. Then you will write your Constitution Summaries for the House of Representatives and Senate.
FRIDAY We'll learn about the ExecutIve Branch by reading Article 2 of the Constitution and answering our Constitution Questions. You'll write your summaries for the President & Vice President.
I hope you had a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving Break! Only 3 1/2 weeks until Christmas Break & the end of 1st Semester. Stay on top of all of your assignments and turn them in on time so that you can bump your grade up a bit before I close my gradebook. All LATE work for 1st Semester will be due on Monday, December 19.
MONDAY Today we'll learn about the Articles of Confederation, which was the first constitution of the United States. Why haven't you ever heard of it before? Because it didn't work ;). Get your notebook organized and ready to turn in tomorrow.
TUESDAY You'll turn in your American Revolution Notebook and complete Ch 8 Vocab.
WEDNESDAY Today we'll learn about the compromises made during the Constitutional Convention. Each of you will be one of the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention and will share about your person with your group.
THURSDAY We'll learn about the three branches of government that the Framer's of the Constitution developed and start memorizing the Preamble to the Constitution for our quiz next Thursday.
FRIDAY It's play time! We'll act out a play based on the Constitutional Convention. Big fun!
I hope you had a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving Break! Only 3 1/2 weeks until Christmas Break & the end of 1st Semester. Stay on top of all of your assignments and turn them in on time so that you can bump your grade up a bit before I close my gradebook. All LATE work for 1st Semester will be due on Monday, December 19.
MONDAY Today we'll learn about the Articles of Confederation, which was the first constitution of the United States. Why haven't you ever heard of it before? Because it didn't work ;). Get your notebook organized and ready to turn in tomorrow.
TUESDAY You'll turn in your American Revolution Notebook and complete Ch 8 Vocab.
WEDNESDAY Today we'll learn about the compromises made during the Constitutional Convention. Each of you will be one of the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention and will share about your person with your group.
THURSDAY We'll learn about the three branches of government that the Framer's of the Constitution developed and start memorizing the Preamble to the Constitution for our quiz next Thursday.
FRIDAY It's play time! We'll act out a play based on the Constitutional Convention. Big fun!
Hillview Huskies' Clean Water Challenge
* 660-800 million people in the world are drinking water that is contaminated and disease-ridden.
* Contaminated water causes more deaths than all other forms of violence, including WAR.
* A child dies every 19 seconds due to water-related illnesses.
* We can end the water crisis during our lifetime!
* $30 can provide a clean, disease-free water source for one person!
* $3,000 can provide a clean, disease-free water source for 100 people!
As a result of learning about the Water Crisis, the students in our Global Issues and Microbiology electives have become deeply concerned for people who are suffering as a result of drinking contaminated water. We are asking you to join us in raising at least $3,000 in order provide 100 people in the developing world with clean, disease-free water. Please help us transform the lives of 100 people by donating to Charity: Water.
By clicking the link below you will be taken to the Hillview Huskies Clean Water Challenge page on the Charity: Water website. There you can use PayPal or a credit card to make a TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation to Charity: Water. This non-profit organization has donors who over the costs of their overhead so that 100% of our donations are able to go to clean-water projects.
Thanks a million!
We exceeded our $3,000 goal in just over one week! That is amazing! The good news is that people have continued to give online. As of November 13, we have raised $3,385, which will give 112 people access to clean water sources!
Our fundraiser will remain open online until December 31, 2016, so feel free to keep on giving!
* 660-800 million people in the world are drinking water that is contaminated and disease-ridden.
* Contaminated water causes more deaths than all other forms of violence, including WAR.
* A child dies every 19 seconds due to water-related illnesses.
* We can end the water crisis during our lifetime!
* $30 can provide a clean, disease-free water source for one person!
* $3,000 can provide a clean, disease-free water source for 100 people!
As a result of learning about the Water Crisis, the students in our Global Issues and Microbiology electives have become deeply concerned for people who are suffering as a result of drinking contaminated water. We are asking you to join us in raising at least $3,000 in order provide 100 people in the developing world with clean, disease-free water. Please help us transform the lives of 100 people by donating to Charity: Water.
By clicking the link below you will be taken to the Hillview Huskies Clean Water Challenge page on the Charity: Water website. There you can use PayPal or a credit card to make a TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation to Charity: Water. This non-profit organization has donors who over the costs of their overhead so that 100% of our donations are able to go to clean-water projects.
Thanks a million!
We exceeded our $3,000 goal in just over one week! That is amazing! The good news is that people have continued to give online. As of November 13, we have raised $3,385, which will give 112 people access to clean water sources!
Our fundraiser will remain open online until December 31, 2016, so feel free to keep on giving!
MONDAY We have hearing and vision testing and you'll complete your Ch 7 Vocabulary.
TUESDAY We will go through the Declaration of Independence and re-write it so that a 3rd grader can understand it. The portions we don't finish in class, you will finish for homework.
WEDNESDAY We'll start watching The Patriot and you'll take notes on various topics. Tonight you'll work on Textbook Questions 7.7 & 7.8.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY We'll continue to watch The Patriot and take notes on important aspects of the American Revolution.
MONDAY You'll use the Chrome Books and watch the events unfold in Lexington and Concord by using an online animation website.
TUESDAY It's Benchmark Time! You'll take your Ch 5 Benchmark and then work on Textbook Questions 7.2 & 7.3.
WEDNESDAY We'll do our test corrections and then it's the Battle of Bunker Hill! "Don't fire 'til you see the whites of their eyes!" You'll use the Chrome Books and write down key information about the Battle of Bunker Hill by watching the animation.
THURSDAY America Story of Us Revolution!
MONDAY We have hearing and vision testing and you'll complete your Ch 7 Vocabulary.
TUESDAY We will go through the Declaration of Independence and re-write it so that a 3rd grader can understand it. The portions we don't finish in class, you will finish for homework.
WEDNESDAY We'll start watching The Patriot and you'll take notes on various topics. Tonight you'll work on Textbook Questions 7.7 & 7.8.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY We'll continue to watch The Patriot and take notes on important aspects of the American Revolution.
MONDAY You'll use the Chrome Books and watch the events unfold in Lexington and Concord by using an online animation website.
TUESDAY It's Benchmark Time! You'll take your Ch 5 Benchmark and then work on Textbook Questions 7.2 & 7.3.
WEDNESDAY We'll do our test corrections and then it's the Battle of Bunker Hill! "Don't fire 'til you see the whites of their eyes!" You'll use the Chrome Books and write down key information about the Battle of Bunker Hill by watching the animation.
THURSDAY America Story of Us Revolution!
FRIDAY No school! Thank a veteran for serving our country!
MONDAY It's play time! We'll act out a play on the Boston Massacre and determine whether or not it really was a "massacre." Watch out for those murderous Red Coats!
TUESDAY No school for you! We teachers will be at Granada learning up a storm while you take it easy :). Please finish up any missing assignments today!
WEDNESDAY It's play time again! This time we'll act out the Boston Tea Party and dump $1 million worth of tea into Boston Harbor!
THURSDAY Today you'll work on Textbook Notes 5.3-5.7 in class and finish them up for homework.
FRIDAY We're going to hear the shot heard 'round the world and watch it happen on our animated website! Watch out, Red Coats!
MONDAY It's play time! We'll act out a play on the Boston Massacre and determine whether or not it really was a "massacre." Watch out for those murderous Red Coats!
TUESDAY No school for you! We teachers will be at Granada learning up a storm while you take it easy :). Please finish up any missing assignments today!
WEDNESDAY It's play time again! This time we'll act out the Boston Tea Party and dump $1 million worth of tea into Boston Harbor!
THURSDAY Today you'll work on Textbook Notes 5.3-5.7 in class and finish them up for homework.
FRIDAY We're going to hear the shot heard 'round the world and watch it happen on our animated website! Watch out, Red Coats!
COMMON CORE STANDARDS Our writing focus for our American Revolution unit is on the Common Core Standard for Research: CCWHST 7 Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question), drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions that allow for multiple avenues of exploration.
RESEARCH This week we'll find out what got the English colonists all riled up and ready for revolution! We will do research on several of the issues that led to the American Revolution...the difference between British and colonial views on taxes, the Stamp Act, and the Townshend Acts.
MONDAY We'll complete our French & Indian War Double Bubble and see what kind of impact that war had on the relationship between the British and their colonists. Then you'll complete your Ch 5 Vocab Toward Independence.
COMMON CORE STANDARDS Our writing focus for our American Revolution unit is on the Common Core Standard for Research: CCWHST 7 Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question), drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions that allow for multiple avenues of exploration.
RESEARCH This week we'll find out what got the English colonists all riled up and ready for revolution! We will do research on several of the issues that led to the American Revolution...the difference between British and colonial views on taxes, the Stamp Act, and the Townshend Acts.
MONDAY We'll complete our French & Indian War Double Bubble and see what kind of impact that war had on the relationship between the British and their colonists. Then you'll complete your Ch 5 Vocab Toward Independence.
TUESDAY We'll research the British views and the Colonists' views on the taxes passed on the colonies after the French and Indian War. Our job is to record our sources accurate, take notes IN OUR OWN WORDS on the most important information, and write a summary answering the Essential Questions. We'll do most of these two assignments together to make sure you understand the process, and then you'll finish them up for homework.
WEDNESDAY We'll complete research on the Stamp Act, write notes in our own words, write a summary and then fill in the speech bubbles.
THURSDAY Today you'll find your own reliable source for the Townshend Acts, find at least 10 important facts to write down in your own words, and then write a substantial paragraph explaining the Townshend Acts.
FRIDAY We'll finish watching America: Story of Us REBELS, take notes on the important topics and start working on our Road to Revolution Flow Map.
WEDNESDAY We'll complete research on the Stamp Act, write notes in our own words, write a summary and then fill in the speech bubbles.
THURSDAY Today you'll find your own reliable source for the Townshend Acts, find at least 10 important facts to write down in your own words, and then write a substantial paragraph explaining the Townshend Acts.
FRIDAY We'll finish watching America: Story of Us REBELS, take notes on the important topics and start working on our Road to Revolution Flow Map.
MONDAY No school today! Woo hoo!!
TUESDAY You'll have time in class to work on Textbook Notes 5.1-5.3. Whatever you don't finish in class will be homework. These sections focus on the road to the Revolution. Do your best to pick out the most important information and write those facts in your own words.
WEDNESDAY Today we get to start watching an edited version of Last of the Mohicans! Oh man, it's so good! By the end of it, you'll have a clear picture of what life was like in Colonial America. This movie does a great job of depicting the deteriorating relationship between the colonists and the British during the French and Indian War. You'll take notes during the movie on the priorities and attitudes of the colonists and British.
THURSDAY We'll continue watching Last of the Mohicans. Tonight you'll write your paragraph explaining the conflicting priorities and attitudes that the colonists and British had in the mid-1700s.
FRIDAY Today we'll finish Last of the Mohicans and complete a couple of Thinking Maps that will help us understand the French & Indian War in more depth. Be sure to come to Spookacular from 5-9pm!!!!!
This is our final week in our colonization unit. Be sure to use your Colonization Benchmark Review to help you study for Thursday's benchmark. Next week we'll start the Revolution!
MONDAY We'll zip through our Ch 4 Life in the Colonies PowerPoint to give you an overview of how the colonists lived. Then you'll choose ONE of the topics on the Life in the Colonies Ch 4 Summaries to read and write about.
TUESDAY It's Map Mania! We'll make a tree map and bubble maps to show the characteristics of the New England Colonies, Middle Colonies and Southern Colonies. Be sure to study for your benchmark on Thursday!
WEDNESDAY We'll play the Review Game to make sure you're ready for tomorrow's benchmark.
THURSDAY It's benchmark time! Your job tonight is to finish up any missing assignments and get your notebook ready to turn in tomorrow.
FRIDAY We'll go over your tests, turn in your Colonization Notebooks and finish watching America Story of Us: Rebels.
We'll continue on with our writing standard for this unit, which is Common Core Writing Standard 3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.
MONDAY Today we begin our year-long quest to understand slavery in American history. For each unit we cover this year, slavery will play a critical role in how events developed and eventually played out. In order to begin our journey, we'll learn about the African slave trade by reading a primary source. From this source you will get ideas for how to plan out your Slave Trade Narrative. Your homework for tonight will be to fill in the first three boxes on your Slave Trade Narrative Flow Map with details and ideas that you want to include in your narrative.
TUESDAY We'll watch a clip from Amistad (a movie based on a true story) that shows slaves being captured, transported to the coast, as well as the Middle Passage across the Atlantic. Then we'll watch another short video that depicts an auction. You'll finish up boxes 4 & 5 on your flow map in class and write paragraphs 1 and 2 for homework.
WEDNESDAY You'll have most of the period to write paragraphs 3-5 in class. What you don't finish in class you'll finish up at home.
THURSDAY You'll highlight your narrative and read it to your team to get feedback. Then we'll complete our 13 Colonies Map and go over what you'll need to study for your Colonization Benchmark next Thursday.
FRIDAY We'll check out the Ch 4 Vocab PowerPoint and you'll have the rest of the class to work on your Ch 4 Vocab.
We have PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES all week from 1:45-3pm. Please try to come with your parents!
MONDAY Today you'll read your Mayflower Narrative to your team and get feedback on your details and description. If you watch at least an hour of the 1st Presidential Debate tonight and bring a note from your parents, I'll give you 5 points of extra credit. You can also watch it here http://www.uspresidentialelectionnews.com/2016/09/full-video-watch-the-trump-clinton-debate-from-sept-26/ (The video starts at 25 min so you would need to watch up to at least 1:25:00.)
TUESDAY We'll complete our Ch 3 Vocabulary English Colonies. Be sure to HIGHLIGHT the vocab word in the sentence from the book and COLOR your pictures.
WEDNESDAY We'll get a clear picture of the areas that each of the European countries claimed in the New World and set up colonies. We'll also learn about the very first English colony, Roanoke, and its mysterious disappearance. You'll complete questions 1-5 of your English and Dutch Colonies Questions.
THURSDAY We'll learn about the English colony of Jamestown by watching America Story of Us, finishing Ch 1 of A Young People's History of the United States and finishing up our English and Dutch Colonies Questions.
FRIDAY You'll explore my super cool website so that you'll know how to find all of the great resources that are at your fingertips :).
THURSDAY You'll highlight your narrative and read it to your team to get feedback. Then we'll complete our 13 Colonies Map and go over what you'll need to study for your Colonization Benchmark next Thursday.
FRIDAY We'll check out the Ch 4 Vocab PowerPoint and you'll have the rest of the class to work on your Ch 4 Vocab.
We have PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES all week from 1:45-3pm. Please try to come with your parents!
MONDAY Today you'll read your Mayflower Narrative to your team and get feedback on your details and description. If you watch at least an hour of the 1st Presidential Debate tonight and bring a note from your parents, I'll give you 5 points of extra credit. You can also watch it here http://www.uspresidentialelectionnews.com/2016/09/full-video-watch-the-trump-clinton-debate-from-sept-26/ (The video starts at 25 min so you would need to watch up to at least 1:25:00.)
TUESDAY We'll complete our Ch 3 Vocabulary English Colonies. Be sure to HIGHLIGHT the vocab word in the sentence from the book and COLOR your pictures.
WEDNESDAY We'll get a clear picture of the areas that each of the European countries claimed in the New World and set up colonies. We'll also learn about the very first English colony, Roanoke, and its mysterious disappearance. You'll complete questions 1-5 of your English and Dutch Colonies Questions.
THURSDAY We'll learn about the English colony of Jamestown by watching America Story of Us, finishing Ch 1 of A Young People's History of the United States and finishing up our English and Dutch Colonies Questions.
FRIDAY You'll explore my super cool website so that you'll know how to find all of the great resources that are at your fingertips :).
PLYMOUTH, ENGLAND Check it out! I spent the summer of 2005 in Plymouth, England! No joke! I was there taking classes for my master's program through Michigan State University. We lived in Pilgrim Hall at Plymouth University, how funny is that? It was crazy to think that we were at the very spot where the Mayflower and Speedwell set sail from. Below are some of my pictures. The statue is of Sir Francis Drake, who set sail from Plymouth to meet the Spanish Armada in 1588.
This week we being our Colonization unit with a trip on the Mayflower! Our writing standard for this unit is Common Core Writing Standard 3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.
MONDAY Today we'll evaluate three Exploration Begins Paragraphs to discuss what the authors did well and what they need to work on. Then we'll watch the first 19 minute of America Story of Us: Rebels so that we have a clear visual on what happened during the early British settlements in North America. This will prepare us for our Mayflower Narrative that we'll be working on all week.
This week we being our Colonization unit with a trip on the Mayflower! Our writing standard for this unit is Common Core Writing Standard 3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.
MONDAY Today we'll evaluate three Exploration Begins Paragraphs to discuss what the authors did well and what they need to work on. Then we'll watch the first 19 minute of America Story of Us: Rebels so that we have a clear visual on what happened during the early British settlements in North America. This will prepare us for our Mayflower Narrative that we'll be working on all week.
TUESDAY We're riding the Mayflower today, but only half of us will survive the first winter! You'll learn about the treacherous journey by taking notes on Deconstructing History: Mayflower. Then we'll create a Flow Map using information from the movie and your Mayflower Information to provide structure for our narratives. |
WEDNESDAY You'll start writing your Mayflower Narrative. Be sure to use the Narrative section in your Reading and Writing Resources. Include LOTS of description and concrete details to make your reader feel like you were there!
THURSDAY You'll continue writing your Mayflower Narrative, which needs to be 2 pages if it's hand-written and 1 1/2 pages if it's typed.
FRIDAY Parent-Teacher Conferences all day! You can sleep in, but come to conferences and finish up your Mayflower Narrative.
This is our final week in our Exploration Unit. Be sure to get your notebook organized because you'll be turning it in on Friday. Next week we'll move on to Colonization!
MONDAY We'll finish reading Ch 1 of The Young People's History of the United States and complete the pictures for Ch 2 Vocabulary.
TUESDAY You'll choose an explorer and work on your Explorer Cartoon. You need to have a well-written explanatory paragraph about your explorer and a colored picture that represents what he is known for. Below are some samples of Explorer Cartoons from previous years.
WEDNESDAY We'll complete our Exploration Begins Pictorial and Flow Map. For homework you will write an explanatory paragraph describing the factors that led to the Age of Exploration.
THURSDAY We'll complete our Spanish Exploration Pictorial and get our notebooks organized so that they're ready to turn in tomorrow. Here's your notebook checklist...
FRIDAY You'll turn in your Exploration Notebook and then we'll play a game on the iPads called European Exploration. It is super fun, but you'll also learn a ton! Hey, that rhymed!
This week our focus will be to imprint a map of the U.S. in our brains so that we'll have a visual image as we learn about our history this year.
MONDAY Labor Day!!
TUESDAY We'll complete a map of the Physical Features of the U.S., which you have have a quiz on this test on FRIDAY.
WEDNESDAY We'll work on a political map of the U.S. and label all of the states and capitals. This will prove very helpful to you as we learn about each state being added to the Union.
THURSDAY We'll color our political maps and watch Beauty of the U.S. to get a sense of the geography of each state.
FRIDAY You'll take the U.S. Physical Map Quiz and then we'll read a bit about Columbus' venture to the New World.
You'll get your first progress reports tomorrow. Be sure to finish up any missing assignments as soon as possible.
EXPLANATORY TEXT On Friday we learned the Expository Text Chant. We'll practice it this week and take a quiz on it this Friday. Our goal by the end of our Exploration Unit is to make sure that we can write rock solid explanatory paragraphs based on information we've read or seen in film. Remember, as UCLA basketball coach John Wooden said, "When you improve a little each day, eventually big things occur...Don't look for the quick, big improvement. Seek the small improvement one day at a time. That's the only way it happens--and when it happens, it lasts."
HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN 2 HOURS This week we will watch 40 minutes of the documentary "History of the World in 2 Hours." This film provides a great overview of ancient history, which you learned in 6th grade, medieval history, which you learned in 7th grade, and modern history, which we will focus on this year. Each day we will have an essential question, take notes on the movie that will help us answer that question, and answer the question by writing an explanatory text paragraph for homework using our notes. If you miss one day of class, be sure to watch the portion you missed online.
This week our focus will be to imprint a map of the U.S. in our brains so that we'll have a visual image as we learn about our history this year.
MONDAY Labor Day!!
TUESDAY We'll complete a map of the Physical Features of the U.S., which you have have a quiz on this test on FRIDAY.
WEDNESDAY We'll work on a political map of the U.S. and label all of the states and capitals. This will prove very helpful to you as we learn about each state being added to the Union.
THURSDAY We'll color our political maps and watch Beauty of the U.S. to get a sense of the geography of each state.
FRIDAY You'll take the U.S. Physical Map Quiz and then we'll read a bit about Columbus' venture to the New World.
You'll get your first progress reports tomorrow. Be sure to finish up any missing assignments as soon as possible.
EXPLANATORY TEXT On Friday we learned the Expository Text Chant. We'll practice it this week and take a quiz on it this Friday. Our goal by the end of our Exploration Unit is to make sure that we can write rock solid explanatory paragraphs based on information we've read or seen in film. Remember, as UCLA basketball coach John Wooden said, "When you improve a little each day, eventually big things occur...Don't look for the quick, big improvement. Seek the small improvement one day at a time. That's the only way it happens--and when it happens, it lasts."
HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN 2 HOURS This week we will watch 40 minutes of the documentary "History of the World in 2 Hours." This film provides a great overview of ancient history, which you learned in 6th grade, medieval history, which you learned in 7th grade, and modern history, which we will focus on this year. Each day we will have an essential question, take notes on the movie that will help us answer that question, and answer the question by writing an explanatory text paragraph for homework using our notes. If you miss one day of class, be sure to watch the portion you missed online.
ASSIGNMENTS & WEBSITES Keep in mind that you can download all the handouts given in class on the current unit's Assignments page. For instance, right now all of our assignments and the Table of Contents are located on the Exploration Assignments page, which you can get to by clicking on the 8th Grade Units tab on the menu. You can also check out the cool websites, games, information and videos on the Exploration Websites page.
PARENT PORTAL If you haven't had a chance to set up an account on the Parent Portal at http://ewcsd.org/parents/, please do so as soon as possible. When I update student grades each week I send a Remind text messages notifying you that it's time to check those grades online. If you need help, you can stop by the office to get your code and parents can stop in room 1 to get help on setting up your account.
REMIND If you'd like to sign up for Remind text messages, please follow the instructions below:
Students: Be sure to enter your first and last name.
Parents: Create your login using your CHILD’S first name and last name + MOM or DAD
Example: John Doe's MOM
This will allow me to send you individual messages about your child.
Option 1: SMS Enter this number: 81010 with this message
Social Studies: @reddss
Homeroom: @reddhr
Global Issues: @reddgr
1. Download the Remind app. It’s free!
2. Enter the code for your class
Social Studies: @reddss
Homeroom: @reddhr
Global Issues: @reddgr
Option 3: Online
Social Studies: www.remind.com/join/reddss
Homeroom: www.remind.com/join/reddhr
Global Issues: www.remind.com/join/reddgr
MONDAY We'll work on our Freehand Map of the World Using a Source. Remember, the goal is to lock the shapes & positions of the continents in your brain FOREVER :). This will help you get ready for your Freehand Map Post-Test on WEDNESDAY.
TUESDAY We'll play a review game to make sure you're ready to rock your Freehand Map Post-Test tomorrow.
WEDNESDAY You'll take your Freehand Map Post-Test and start your Social Studies Title Page. You can draw anything related to U.S. History that will help you get motivated when you open up your notebook. Remember, do your best and make sure your Title Page is completely colored. Here are some pages in the textbook with good picture ideas...
Pg 16 & 47 exploration
Pg 79 Declaration of Ind. Severs ties
Pg 101 end of revolution
Pg 161 seal of U.S.
Pg 172 Monroe Doctrine
Pg 193 Trail of Tears
pg 196 Manifest Destiny
pg 204 & 221 Wagon Trains
pg 212 Lewis, Clark, Sacagawea
pg 268 African American Quilt
pg 293 Uncle Tom’s Cabin
pg 303 Civil War bag
pg 340 Native Am tee pees
pg 343 RR & buffalo
pg 349 Sitting Bull
pg 372 Statue of liberty and immigration
pg 399 America becomes a world power
pg 412 Uncle Sam
Below are some pictures of Title Pages from previous years.
PARENT PORTAL If you haven't had a chance to set up an account on the Parent Portal at http://ewcsd.org/parents/, please do so as soon as possible. When I update student grades each week I send a Remind text messages notifying you that it's time to check those grades online. If you need help, you can stop by the office to get your code and parents can stop in room 1 to get help on setting up your account.
REMIND If you'd like to sign up for Remind text messages, please follow the instructions below:
Students: Be sure to enter your first and last name.
Parents: Create your login using your CHILD’S first name and last name + MOM or DAD
Example: John Doe's MOM
This will allow me to send you individual messages about your child.
Option 1: SMS Enter this number: 81010 with this message
Social Studies: @reddss
Homeroom: @reddhr
Global Issues: @reddgr
1. Download the Remind app. It’s free!
2. Enter the code for your class
Social Studies: @reddss
Homeroom: @reddhr
Global Issues: @reddgr
Option 3: Online
Social Studies: www.remind.com/join/reddss
Homeroom: www.remind.com/join/reddhr
Global Issues: www.remind.com/join/reddgr
MONDAY We'll work on our Freehand Map of the World Using a Source. Remember, the goal is to lock the shapes & positions of the continents in your brain FOREVER :). This will help you get ready for your Freehand Map Post-Test on WEDNESDAY.
TUESDAY We'll play a review game to make sure you're ready to rock your Freehand Map Post-Test tomorrow.
WEDNESDAY You'll take your Freehand Map Post-Test and start your Social Studies Title Page. You can draw anything related to U.S. History that will help you get motivated when you open up your notebook. Remember, do your best and make sure your Title Page is completely colored. Here are some pages in the textbook with good picture ideas...
Pg 16 & 47 exploration
Pg 79 Declaration of Ind. Severs ties
Pg 101 end of revolution
Pg 161 seal of U.S.
Pg 172 Monroe Doctrine
Pg 193 Trail of Tears
pg 196 Manifest Destiny
pg 204 & 221 Wagon Trains
pg 212 Lewis, Clark, Sacagawea
pg 268 African American Quilt
pg 293 Uncle Tom’s Cabin
pg 303 Civil War bag
pg 340 Native Am tee pees
pg 343 RR & buffalo
pg 349 Sitting Bull
pg 372 Statue of liberty and immigration
pg 399 America becomes a world power
pg 412 Uncle Sam
Below are some pictures of Title Pages from previous years.
THURSDAY We'll compare our Freehand Map Pre-Test and Post-Test reflect over our learning process. I love this assignment because it shows how we can get significantly better at anything if we just put the time into it. Let's hear it for a growth mindset!!
Back to School Night is tonight from 6-8pm. Send your schedule with your parents to that they'll know where to go. You'll get 10 points of extra credit if they come and sign in!
Parents, if you were unable to attend, please check the About My Class page to view the slideshow and download the 8th Back to School Night Parent Letter.
FRIDAY We'll review the key elements of Explanatory Text and learn our chant. You'll start writing next week and have a quiz on the chant.
Mrs. Redd’s Classes: Remind
Remind is a simple way for you to stay informed and up-to-date with what’s happening in Social Studies. By joining your Mrs. Redd’s class on Remind, you’re choosing to receive class messages via push notifications, SMS, or email. Don’t worry, your phone number will not be shared with me or anyone else.
Students: Be sure to enter your first and last name.
Parents: Create your login using your CHILD’S first name and last name + MOM or DAD
Example: John Doe's MOM
This will allow me to send you individual messages about your child.
Option 1: SMS Enter this number: 81010 with this message
Social Studies: @reddss
Homeroom: @reddhr
Global Issues: @reddgr
1. Download the Remind app. It’s free!
2. Enter the code for your class
Social Studies: @reddss
Homeroom: @reddhr
Global Issues: @reddgr
Option 3: Online
Social Studies: www.remind.com/join/reddss
Homeroom: www.remind.com/join/reddhr
Global Issues: www.remind.com/join/reddgr
Wow! Only a couple of days until school starts, can you believe it? Our first day of school is Tuesday, August 16.
This year we will continue to master Common Core State Standards, which focus on reading and writing expository text, along with our State Content Standards. The State Content Standards for Social Studies cover United States history from the Revolutionary War to World War I.
If you want to get a jump start on supplies, here are the items that you need to have by Monday, August 22. If there is something you can't get on your own, just come see me and I'll happily supply it for you :).
Binder (You can use it for other classes as well.)
Hand Sharpener
Black or Blue Pens
Highlighters (two colors: yellow and any other color of your choice)
Colored Pencils
I'm excited to get to know all of you and am confident that we're going to have a great year together!
Mrs. Redd
Back to School Night is tonight from 6-8pm. Send your schedule with your parents to that they'll know where to go. You'll get 10 points of extra credit if they come and sign in!
Parents, if you were unable to attend, please check the About My Class page to view the slideshow and download the 8th Back to School Night Parent Letter.
FRIDAY We'll review the key elements of Explanatory Text and learn our chant. You'll start writing next week and have a quiz on the chant.
Mrs. Redd’s Classes: Remind
Remind is a simple way for you to stay informed and up-to-date with what’s happening in Social Studies. By joining your Mrs. Redd’s class on Remind, you’re choosing to receive class messages via push notifications, SMS, or email. Don’t worry, your phone number will not be shared with me or anyone else.
Students: Be sure to enter your first and last name.
Parents: Create your login using your CHILD’S first name and last name + MOM or DAD
Example: John Doe's MOM
This will allow me to send you individual messages about your child.
Option 1: SMS Enter this number: 81010 with this message
Social Studies: @reddss
Homeroom: @reddhr
Global Issues: @reddgr
1. Download the Remind app. It’s free!
2. Enter the code for your class
Social Studies: @reddss
Homeroom: @reddhr
Global Issues: @reddgr
Option 3: Online
Social Studies: www.remind.com/join/reddss
Homeroom: www.remind.com/join/reddhr
Global Issues: www.remind.com/join/reddgr
Wow! Only a couple of days until school starts, can you believe it? Our first day of school is Tuesday, August 16.
This year we will continue to master Common Core State Standards, which focus on reading and writing expository text, along with our State Content Standards. The State Content Standards for Social Studies cover United States history from the Revolutionary War to World War I.
If you want to get a jump start on supplies, here are the items that you need to have by Monday, August 22. If there is something you can't get on your own, just come see me and I'll happily supply it for you :).
Binder (You can use it for other classes as well.)
Hand Sharpener
Black or Blue Pens
Highlighters (two colors: yellow and any other color of your choice)
Colored Pencils
I'm excited to get to know all of you and am confident that we're going to have a great year together!
Mrs. Redd