Welcome to my virtual classroom!

Hi Huskies!
I had so much fun exploring ancient history with you when you were in 6th grade and am looking forward to our adventure through U.S. history this coming year! This website will be an invaluable tool for you so be sure to save it to your favorites. I recommend spending at least 30 minutes a week exploring the links to games, information, pictures, videos and interactive websites related to the social studies standards we will cover in order to deepen your knowledge and understanding of our country's history.
Sixth graders, click on the "More" button in the top right and you can find the links to all of the super fun units you'll be studying. Unfortunately, I won't have time to add or updated the links so feel free to let me know if a link no longer works or if you find a great new site I should add :).
Mrs. Valerie Redd
Hillview Middle School
10931 Stamy Rd, Whittier, CA 90604
[email protected]
News Flash!
Industrial Revolution Research Project
Google Classroom Codes
Period 1 ukt6zk
Period 3 x4s51f
Period 4 ci80ht8
Period 5 g2ns7ve
Period 6 m8qj62n

Industrial Revolution Research Project.pdf | |
File Size: | 99 kb |
File Type: |
Friday, May 15, 2015
3rd Period Tripod Survey Link
The end is near, my friends! Here are some important things you need to know to close your year out well...
1) Bring your textbook on MONDAY
2) All missing work is due WEDNESDAY, May 20.
3) Fs must be brought up by WEDNESDAY in order to participate in Knott's Berry Farm, the 8th Grade Dance, Yearbook Party, etc.
4) Fs must be brought up by THURSDAY, MAY 28 in order to participate in the VERY FUN graduation ceremony :).
You can do it!!!!
Mrs. Redd
3rd Period Tripod Survey Link
The end is near, my friends! Here are some important things you need to know to close your year out well...
1) Bring your textbook on MONDAY
2) All missing work is due WEDNESDAY, May 20.
3) Fs must be brought up by WEDNESDAY in order to participate in Knott's Berry Farm, the 8th Grade Dance, Yearbook Party, etc.
4) Fs must be brought up by THURSDAY, MAY 28 in order to participate in the VERY FUN graduation ceremony :).
You can do it!!!!
Mrs. Redd
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Watch out, there's a new sheriff in town! WESTWARD MOVEMENT UNIT That's right, cowboys, we're starting our unit on the Wild Wild West! Hold onto your hats as we cross the continent in covered wagons, dig for gold, and go to war with Mexico. UNIT WRITING FOCUS Our writing focus for this unit is on narrative writing: CCWHST 2 Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/ experiments, or technical processes. We will use what we learn about the Texas Revolution, Mexican-American War, pioneers, Gold Rush, mountain men, Lewis and Clark, etc. to write historical narratives. Our goal is to become rock star narrative writers by including key historical details from what we learn to make it sound believable as well as vivid descriptions that will make our readers think we were there! Ciao for now! Mrs. Redd |
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
CHEROKEE REMOVAL ARGUMENT ESSAY Your essay is due tomorrow. Be sure to check it over for a strong claim, evidence-based terms, transition words, a counter-claim, and a snap at the end :).
ANDREW JACKSON TEST We'll play the Review Game on Thursday. Study the following pages in your notebook for your test on Friday:
Ciao for now!
Mrs. Redd
CHEROKEE REMOVAL ARGUMENT ESSAY Your essay is due tomorrow. Be sure to check it over for a strong claim, evidence-based terms, transition words, a counter-claim, and a snap at the end :).
ANDREW JACKSON TEST We'll play the Review Game on Thursday. Study the following pages in your notebook for your test on Friday:
- Ch 12 Vocab Foreign Policy
- Ch 14 Vocab Andrew Jackson
- Disney Presidents Westward Movement: If you need to re-watch it, click here Disney Presidents 1-11 (YouTube)
- Cherokee Removal Argument Essay Sources
Ciao for now!
Mrs. Redd
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 INDIAN REMOVAL ACT This week and next week we are focusing on the presidency of Andrew Jackson. There were many controversial aspects to his administration, the most controversial of which was the Indian Removal Act. Though determined to be unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, this law forced all Native Americans living east of the Mississippi River to leave their homes and move west of the river. COMMON CORE WRITING STANDARD For our brief unit on Andrew Jackson we will continue our focus on Common Core Writing Standard 3: Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. |
CHEROKEE REMOVAL ARGUMENT ESSAY Today we will review primary and secondary sources on the Cherokee Removal gathering evidence to answer the question, "By 1838, which would have been better for the Cherokee Indians: to accept or to continue to resist the U.S. government’s demand they move to new tribal lands west of the Mississippi River?" Tomorrow you will complete your Argument Essay Template, and Friday and Monday you will write a well-developed argument.
ANDREW JACKSON TEST We will take our test over the Jacksonian Period on Friday, February 20. Study the following assignments in your Interactive Notebook in order to prepare:
Mrs. Redd
ANDREW JACKSON TEST We will take our test over the Jacksonian Period on Friday, February 20. Study the following assignments in your Interactive Notebook in order to prepare:
- Ch 12 Vocab
- Ch 14 Vocab
- Disney Presidents Westward Movement Movie Notes
- Cherokee Removal Argument Essay SOURCES
Mrs. Redd
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
WAR OF 1812 MOVIE & ARGUMENT ESSAY If you missed a portion of the movie due to an absence, you can watch the portion you missed by clicking this link War of 1812 Movie (YouTube). Be sure to record as much evidence as possible for both sides of the argument. Tomorrow you will work on your War of 1812 Argument Essay Template and Friday you will start writing your essay.
A NEW NATION TEST Use your "A New Nation Test Review" to study for our test next Wednesday.
Ciao for now!
Mrs. Redd
Monday, January 6, 2015
COMMON CORE WRITING STANDARD For our unit on A New Nation we will focus on Common Core Writing Standard 3: Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. Mrs. Pearson and I scored your Performance Task argument essays yesterday. Some of you have the process down and did a great job and others need some more clarification on the steps to effective argument writing. We will practice it several times throughout the unit and come back to it several times before the end of the year.
THINKING MAPS Today we start our adventure using Thinking Maps. I'm excited for you to master this strategy because it will be such a help to you throughout high school and college.
A NEW NATION We will continue our unit on the New Nation for the next couple of weeks, learning all about the first six presidents, the issues they faced and how their decisions helped form the United States as we know it today. Be sure to check out A New Nation Websites, there are lots of helpful videos that will expand your understanding of what we are learning.
GRADES Be sure to turn in assignments on time this semester. You can download all of the assignments for this unit from the A New Nation Assignments page. Your participation in end of the year activities such as Knott's Berry Farm, the 8th Grade Dance, Yearbook Signing Day, and Graduation depend on your grades. If you haven't signed up for the Parent Portal, please stop by the office and get the information you need to do so. I update grades on Friday afternoons and send a Teleparent message letting you know that your grades are updated online. If you are not receiving daily Teleparent messages regarding homework, tests, grades, etc, please call the office and give them the phone number where you would like to receive the messages. You are welcome to come and work in my room during field time each day.
Ciao for now!
Mrs. Redd
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
DISTRICT PERFORMANCE TASK Today and tomorrow you will be taking your Language Arts Performance Task in Homeroom. You will log in according to how your language arts teacher has instructed you...
Mrs. Pearson: Google Classroom
Mrs. Nguyen: Edmodo
Mrs. Kain: https://ewcsd.illuminatehc.com/auth
Log on as STUDENT
Username = ID # (8 digits)
Password = student
The file is entitled "EWCSD Grade 8 ELA Task."
Mrs. Redd
Sunday, December 7, 2014
COMMON CORE STANDARDS For this unit we are focusing on Common Core Reading Standard 2 Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source: provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinion by analyzing the Constitution. Our writing focus is on Common Core Writing Standard 2 Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/ experiments, or technical processes. We will be tackling this standard by analyzing the Constitution as a primary source and summarizing the powers set out in each of the articles as we write our Constitution Summaries.
LAW MAKING PROCESS Tomorrow we will break up into the House of Representatives and Senate and go through the process of trying to get a law passed. As acting president, I'll have the choice of signing, vetoing or setting it aside your bills until the bell rings for a pocket veto. Gonna be big fun!
CONSTITUTION WEBSITES There are lots of great games, informational websites and videos on our Constitution Websites page. Be sure to check them out!
REVIEW GAME On Monday, December 15, we will play the Constitution Review Game. Come prepared!
CONSTITUTION TEST Our Constitution Test will be on Tuesday, December 16. Use your U.S. Constitution Review to help you study!
REPORT CARDS Friday, December 19 marks the end of 1st Semester. Report cards will go out after we return from Christmas Break. All missing work is due this Wednesday, December 10. You can get extra copies out of the Missed Assignments folder in my classroom or on the assignments webpage for the unit during which the assignment was given.
VACATION Have a wonderful Christmas Vacation and I'll see you next year! This Thursday, December 19 is our last day. We come back on January 6 and dive into our unit on the New Nation.
Buon Natale!
Mrs. Redd
Thursday, November 12, 2014
COMMON CORE STANDARDS Our writing focus for this unit is on the Common Core Standard for Research: CCWHST 7 Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question), drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions that allow for multiple avenues of exploration.
REVIEW GAME On Monday, November 17, we will review for our American Revolution Test. Use your Ch 6 & 7 Test Review to study and come ready!
CH 6 & 7 TEST Your Ch 6 & 7 Test over the American Revolution is on Tuesday, November 18.
AMERICAN REVOLUTION NOTEBOOK Put everything in order according to the Table of Contents and make sure you have the correct page number in the bottom-center of each page. You will turn in your American Revolution Notebook after your test on Tuesday, November 18.
CONSTITUTION Next week we start our unit on the Constitution, which we will finish right before Christmas Break. Be sure to check out the games, information, pictures, primary sources, and videos our our Constitution Websites page.
END OF 1ST SEMESTER Our semester is rapidly coming to a close on December 19. Be sure to turn in any missing assignments as soon as possible. The last day I will accept missing work is Wednesday, December 10.
Ciao for now!
Mrs. Redd
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
COMMON CORE STANDARDS Our writing focus for this unit is on narrative writing: CCWHST 2 Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/ experiments, or technical processes. We're just about done adventuring through the Colonial period of American history. Your Mayflower Narratives and Slave Trade Narratives were awesome! Today our focus is on what daily life was like in the Colonies. We'll listen to some colonial music and have a visit from a colonist :). |
COLONIZATION TEST Use your Colonization Test Review to study for our Colonization Test on Friday. Tomorrow we'll play the Review Game to get you good and ready!
COLONIZATION NOTEBOOK Get your notebook organized and ready to turn in on Friday!
PARENT PORTAL If you need help checking your grades online, please contact the office. In an effort to save paper, we are not sending progress reports home as often.
TELEPARENT & REMIND If you are not receiving Teleparent messages, please call the office and ask them to update your phone number in Teleparent. I send messages several times a week about homework, tests, missing work, etc. If you haven’t signed up to receive text messages on Remind, I would highly recommend that you do. Just text @reddss to (949) 482-4356 and you’ll be good to go!
MISSING WORK Please turn in all your missing work as soon as possible. You can download the assignments from our class website http://reddsocialstudies.weebly.com or get them out of the Missed Assignments folder in our classroom. Every missing assignment you turn in will raise your grade!
REPORT CARDS First Quarter ends on October 17 and report cards will be sent home soon after that. Try to raise your grade between now and then by turning in missing assignments and turning in current assignments on time.
WEBSITE There is all kinds of great information, videos, primary sources, games, etc. for each unit on our class website. Be sure to take advantage of it, it’s a great resource.
Ciao for now!
Mrs. Redd
COLONIZATION NOTEBOOK Get your notebook organized and ready to turn in on Friday!
PARENT PORTAL If you need help checking your grades online, please contact the office. In an effort to save paper, we are not sending progress reports home as often.
TELEPARENT & REMIND If you are not receiving Teleparent messages, please call the office and ask them to update your phone number in Teleparent. I send messages several times a week about homework, tests, missing work, etc. If you haven’t signed up to receive text messages on Remind, I would highly recommend that you do. Just text @reddss to (949) 482-4356 and you’ll be good to go!
MISSING WORK Please turn in all your missing work as soon as possible. You can download the assignments from our class website http://reddsocialstudies.weebly.com or get them out of the Missed Assignments folder in our classroom. Every missing assignment you turn in will raise your grade!
REPORT CARDS First Quarter ends on October 17 and report cards will be sent home soon after that. Try to raise your grade between now and then by turning in missing assignments and turning in current assignments on time.
WEBSITE There is all kinds of great information, videos, primary sources, games, etc. for each unit on our class website. Be sure to take advantage of it, it’s a great resource.
Ciao for now!
Mrs. Redd

Watch out, there be pirates about! If ye don't do your homework, ye may have to walk the plank :).
Thursday, September 18, 2014
EXPLORATION BEGINS PARAGRAPHS Arrrgh! Ye had some mighty good paragraphs today, mateys :). Seriously, today I saw a huge improvement in your expository text paragraphs! Way to go! Just remember to stay focused on answering the question, use your Transition Words & Phrases sheet, and always read your writing aloud so that you can catch as many problems as possible.
EXPLORATION TEST On Tuesday, September 23, we will take our Exploration Test. The papers you need to study are
Ch 2 Vocabulary Exploration
Exploration Begins Pictorial
Spanish Exploration Pictorial
Textbook Notes 2.2 & 2.3 Spain Starts an Empire
English & Dutch Colonies Questions Sections 2.5 & 2.6
NOTEBOOK Next week you will turn in everything listed on your Exploration Table of Contents for an organization grade. Be sure to have everything in order according to the Table of Contents with page numbers.
Ciao for now!
Mrs. Redd
Sunday, September 14, 2014
COMMON CORE STANDARDS Our writing focus for our Exploration unit is on informative/explanatory texts: CCWHST 2 Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/ experiments, or technical processes.
EXPOSITORY TEXT PARAGRAPHS You've made a lot of headway on your expository text paragraphs and I'm confident you'll all be rock stars by the end of the year. Remember, as John Wooden said, "If you a get a little bit better every day, before long you'll be a lot better." Be sure to study for our Expository Text Chant Quiz on Tuesday! We'll write one more this week on the motivations and dangers involved in the Age of European Exploration.
EXPLORATION This week we'll finish up our unit on Exploration...yea! Watch out, there be pirates about, matey! One might even show up in our classroom :). We'll review what you learned last year about what motivated the explorers to face the dangers of the high seas and then focus on the impact that exploration had on both the Europeans and Native Americans.
ASSIGNMENTS & WEBSITES Keep in mind that you can download all the handouts given in class on the current unit's Assignments page. For instance, right now all of our assignments and the Table of Contents are located on the Exploration Assignments page, which you can get to by clicking on the 8th Grade Units tab on the menu. You can also check out the cool websites, games, information and videos on the Exploration Websites page.
PARENT PORTAL If you haven't had a chance to set up an account on the Parent Portal at http://ewcsd.org/parents/, please do so as soon as possible. When I update student grades each week I send a Teleparent message notifying you that it's time to check those grades online. If you need help, you can stop by the office to get your code and parents can stop in room 1 to get help on setting up your account.
TELEPARENT & REMIND If you haven't received Teleparent messages, please contact the office and give them the phone number at which you would like to receive the messages. If you'd like to sign up for Remind text messages, which are much more informative than the Teleparent messages, see the instructions in the August 30, 2014 News Flash below.
FUN FAMILY ACTIVITIES Be sure to keep up with the Fun Family Activities page and what's going on in our area related to social studies :).
Hope you had a great weekend!
Mrs. Redd
Wednesday, August 30, 2014
Mrs. Redd’s Classes: Remind
Remind is a simple way for you to stay informed and up-to-date with what’s happening in Social Studies. By joining your Mrs. Redd’s class on Remind, you’re choosing to receive class messages via push notifications, SMS, or email. Don’t worry, your phone number will not be shared with the teacher or anyone else.
Students: Be sure to enter your first and last name.
Parents: Create your login using your CHILD’S first name and last name + PARENT
Example: John Doe PARENT
This will allow me to send you individual messages about your child.
Option 1: SMS Enter this number (949) 482-4356 with this message
Social Studies: @reddss
Homeroom: @reddhr
1. Download the Remind app. It’s free!
2. Enter the code for your class
Social Studies: @reddss
Homeroom: @reddhr
Option 3: Online
Social Studies: www.remind.com/join/reddss
Homeroom: www.remind.com/join/reddhr
Monday, August 18, 2014
We made it through the first "week" of school! Now it's time to get down to business :).
SS Notebook You will keep everything for each unit in your the SS section of your binder in order according to your Table of Contents. At the end of each unit you will turn everything in to be graded. Don't ever throw anything away!
Freehand Map of the World You took your Pre-Test last week and today you will complete your Freehand Map of the World Using a Source. Tomorrow we will play the review game and Wednesday you will take your Post-Test. Practice, practice, practice over the next two days so that you can get a 100% on your first social studies quiz! You can use this game to help you World Continents Map Puzzle.
Materials must be with you in class tomorrow (Tuesday). If you need help getting anything, please come talk to me today!
Binder (You can use it for other classes as well.)
Dividers (You'll need 2 dividers for our class: 1 for Reading/Writing handouts and 1 for our current social studies unit)
Hand Sharpener
Black or Blue Pens
Highlighters (two colors: yellow and any other color of your choice)
Colored Pencils
Cover Page When you're done with your quiz on Wednesday you will start working on your cover page for your Social Studies Notebook. You can draw anything that is related to U.S. history. Your cover sheet must be colored and beautiful. It's due on Friday. See below for samples from last year :).
Back to School Night is next Thursday, August 28. Be sure to encourage your parents to come!
Ciao for now!
Mrs. Redd
EXPLORATION BEGINS PARAGRAPHS Arrrgh! Ye had some mighty good paragraphs today, mateys :). Seriously, today I saw a huge improvement in your expository text paragraphs! Way to go! Just remember to stay focused on answering the question, use your Transition Words & Phrases sheet, and always read your writing aloud so that you can catch as many problems as possible.
EXPLORATION TEST On Tuesday, September 23, we will take our Exploration Test. The papers you need to study are
Ch 2 Vocabulary Exploration
Exploration Begins Pictorial
Spanish Exploration Pictorial
Textbook Notes 2.2 & 2.3 Spain Starts an Empire
English & Dutch Colonies Questions Sections 2.5 & 2.6
NOTEBOOK Next week you will turn in everything listed on your Exploration Table of Contents for an organization grade. Be sure to have everything in order according to the Table of Contents with page numbers.
Ciao for now!
Mrs. Redd
Sunday, September 14, 2014
COMMON CORE STANDARDS Our writing focus for our Exploration unit is on informative/explanatory texts: CCWHST 2 Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/ experiments, or technical processes.
EXPOSITORY TEXT PARAGRAPHS You've made a lot of headway on your expository text paragraphs and I'm confident you'll all be rock stars by the end of the year. Remember, as John Wooden said, "If you a get a little bit better every day, before long you'll be a lot better." Be sure to study for our Expository Text Chant Quiz on Tuesday! We'll write one more this week on the motivations and dangers involved in the Age of European Exploration.
EXPLORATION This week we'll finish up our unit on Exploration...yea! Watch out, there be pirates about, matey! One might even show up in our classroom :). We'll review what you learned last year about what motivated the explorers to face the dangers of the high seas and then focus on the impact that exploration had on both the Europeans and Native Americans.
ASSIGNMENTS & WEBSITES Keep in mind that you can download all the handouts given in class on the current unit's Assignments page. For instance, right now all of our assignments and the Table of Contents are located on the Exploration Assignments page, which you can get to by clicking on the 8th Grade Units tab on the menu. You can also check out the cool websites, games, information and videos on the Exploration Websites page.
PARENT PORTAL If you haven't had a chance to set up an account on the Parent Portal at http://ewcsd.org/parents/, please do so as soon as possible. When I update student grades each week I send a Teleparent message notifying you that it's time to check those grades online. If you need help, you can stop by the office to get your code and parents can stop in room 1 to get help on setting up your account.
TELEPARENT & REMIND If you haven't received Teleparent messages, please contact the office and give them the phone number at which you would like to receive the messages. If you'd like to sign up for Remind text messages, which are much more informative than the Teleparent messages, see the instructions in the August 30, 2014 News Flash below.
FUN FAMILY ACTIVITIES Be sure to keep up with the Fun Family Activities page and what's going on in our area related to social studies :).
Hope you had a great weekend!
Mrs. Redd
Wednesday, August 30, 2014
Mrs. Redd’s Classes: Remind
Remind is a simple way for you to stay informed and up-to-date with what’s happening in Social Studies. By joining your Mrs. Redd’s class on Remind, you’re choosing to receive class messages via push notifications, SMS, or email. Don’t worry, your phone number will not be shared with the teacher or anyone else.
Students: Be sure to enter your first and last name.
Parents: Create your login using your CHILD’S first name and last name + PARENT
Example: John Doe PARENT
This will allow me to send you individual messages about your child.
Option 1: SMS Enter this number (949) 482-4356 with this message
Social Studies: @reddss
Homeroom: @reddhr
1. Download the Remind app. It’s free!
2. Enter the code for your class
Social Studies: @reddss
Homeroom: @reddhr
Option 3: Online
Social Studies: www.remind.com/join/reddss
Homeroom: www.remind.com/join/reddhr
Monday, August 18, 2014
We made it through the first "week" of school! Now it's time to get down to business :).
SS Notebook You will keep everything for each unit in your the SS section of your binder in order according to your Table of Contents. At the end of each unit you will turn everything in to be graded. Don't ever throw anything away!
Freehand Map of the World You took your Pre-Test last week and today you will complete your Freehand Map of the World Using a Source. Tomorrow we will play the review game and Wednesday you will take your Post-Test. Practice, practice, practice over the next two days so that you can get a 100% on your first social studies quiz! You can use this game to help you World Continents Map Puzzle.
Materials must be with you in class tomorrow (Tuesday). If you need help getting anything, please come talk to me today!
Binder (You can use it for other classes as well.)
Dividers (You'll need 2 dividers for our class: 1 for Reading/Writing handouts and 1 for our current social studies unit)
Hand Sharpener
Black or Blue Pens
Highlighters (two colors: yellow and any other color of your choice)
Colored Pencils
Cover Page When you're done with your quiz on Wednesday you will start working on your cover page for your Social Studies Notebook. You can draw anything that is related to U.S. history. Your cover sheet must be colored and beautiful. It's due on Friday. See below for samples from last year :).
Back to School Night is next Thursday, August 28. Be sure to encourage your parents to come!
Ciao for now!
Mrs. Redd
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Wow! Only a week left until school starts, can you believe it? Our first day of school is Wednesday, August 13.
This year we are integrating the new Common Core State Standards, which focus on reading and writing expository text, with our State Content Standards. The State Content Standards for Social Studies cover United States history from the Revolutionary War to World War I.
If you want to get a jump start on supplies, here are the items I expect you to have with you in class by Tuesday, August 19:
Binder (You can use it for other classes as well.)
Dividers (You'll need 2 dividers for our class: 1 for Reading/Writing handouts and 1 for our current social studies unit)
Hand Sharpener
Black or Blue Pens
Highlighters (two colors: yellow and any other color of your choice)
Colored Pencils
I'm super excited to see all of you and know we're going to have a great year together!
Mrs. Redd
June 20, 2014
I hope you are all enjoying your summer vacation :). There are a lot of fun social studies activities going on this summer all over Southern California. Check out the Fun Family Activities page for Special Events, events in the months of June, July and August, as well as the fun opportunities in the Ongoing Activities section.
Ciao for now!
Mrs. Redd